by Juan M. Ferrer These next two weeks, the first post-Covid business summit directed and organized by the CEOE will be held, where the largest group of Spanish Companies and their top leaders will present the different challenges, scenarios, opportunities and weaknesses that are presented to us in the coming weeks, months and years. Yesterday the summit... Read more
Palma de Mallorca
Escrito por Juan M. Ferrer Hasta la fecha hemos ido a supermercados, estancos, gasolineras y hemos entrado en sus interiores con más personas a nuestro alrededor, además nos han traído la compra a casa o la cena en formato “delivery” o bien incluso, la hemos ido a buscar, y durante este periodo no se ha … Read more
#born8homerecetas We present you a quick recipe that you can prepare at home and obtain an authentic Italian delight in 15 minutes!!! A traditional, tasty and elegant dish to enjoy with the family. Preparation time 15 min. Ingredients for 4 people 400 gr of ravioli 50 gr of fresh butter 10 sage leaves Salt to taste… Read more